Как установить OpenVPN сервер
OC: Debian 8 Jessie
Настройка сервера
Ставим пакеты - сам сервер и утилиту для управления сертификатами
# apt-get install easy-rsa && apt-get install openvpn
Копируем файлы утилиты управления сертификатами в /etc/openvpn
что бы далеко за ними не ходить.
# mkdir /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/
# cp -r /usr/share/easy-rsa/* /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/
# cd /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/
Правим переменные которые запрашиваются при создании ключей # joe vars
export KEY_CITY="SanFrancisco"
export KEY_ORG="Fort-Funston"
export KEY_EMAIL="[email protected]"
Загружаем переменные и генерируем корневой сертификат
# source ./vars
# ./clean-all
# ./build-ca
Генерируем ключи для сервера и клиента. Вместо client1
стоит подставить осмысленное имя, например hostname
клиента Linux, или net-bios name
клиента Windows.
# ./build-key-server server
# ./build-key client1
Генерируем файл Диффи-Хелмана и ключ HMAC для защиты трафика от расшифровки DoS-атак и флуда
# ./build-dh
# openvpn --genkey --secret keys/ta.key
Создаем конфигурационный файл сервера # joe /etc/openvpn/server.conf
и копируем конфигурацию:
# OpenVPN server port
port 41268
proto udp
dev tun
ca /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/ca.crt
cert /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/server.crt
key /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/server.key
dh /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/dh2048.pem
tls-auth /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/ta.key 0
cipher DES-EDE3-CBC
auth SHA512
user nobody
group nogroup
client-config-dir ccd
# OpenVPN subnet
ifconfig-pool-persist ipp.txt
keepalive 10 120
comp-lzo adaptive
status /var/log/openvpn-status.log
log-append /var/log/openvpn.log
verb 3
mute 20
Предполагается что ключи лежат в /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/
. Логи будут писаться в /var/log
. Подсеть OpenVPN
, а сам сервер будет принимать запросы на порт 41268.
Разрешаем трафик на интерфейсе TUN
и открываем порт 41268
# joe /etc/iptables/rules.v4
# Allow UDP for OpenVPN
-A INPUT -i venet0 -p udp -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED --dport 41268 -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -o venet0 -p udp -m state --state ESTABLISHED --sport 41268 -j ACCEPT
# Allow traffic on the TUN interface.
-A INPUT -i tun0 -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -o tun0 -j ACCEPT
- внешний интерфейс сервера. tun0
- интерфейс openvpn.
Правила iptables
сбрасываем и применяем новые
# iptables -F && iptables -X
# iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4
Включаем автоматический запуск OpenVPN при загрузке и запускаем демон.
# systemctl enable openvpn.service
# systemctl start openvpn.service
Настройка клиента
Складываем ключи в архив и копируем на клиента (sftp, scp, rsync).
tar -C /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys -cvzf /etc/openvpn/client1.tar.gz {ca.crt,clientname.crt,clientname.key,ta.key}
Конфигурационные файлы практически идеинтичны. В обоих примерах ;remote my-server-2 1194
меняем на remote ip port
сервера которому будем подключаться.
Расширение файла .ovpn
. Параметр user nobody
и group nogroup
отлючен - windows не поддерживает Downgrade privileges after initialization
. Логи хранятся в директории клиента.
# Sample client-side OpenVPN 2.0 config file #
# for connecting to multi-client server. #
# This configuration can be used by multiple #
# clients, however each client should have #
# its own cert and key files. #
# On Windows, you might want to rename this #
# file so it has a .ovpn extension #
# Specify that we are a client and that we
# will be pulling certain config file directives
# from the server.
# Use the same setting as you are using on
# the server.
# On most systems, the VPN will not function
# unless you partially or fully disable
# the firewall for the TUN/TAP interface.
;dev tap
dev tun
# Windows needs the TAP-Win32 adapter name
# from the Network Connections panel
# if you have more than one. On XP SP2,
# you may need to disable the firewall
# for the TAP adapter.
;dev-node MyTap
# Are we connecting to a TCP or
# UDP server? Use the same setting as
# on the server.
;proto tcp
proto udp
# The hostname/IP and port of the server.
# You can have multiple remote entries
# to load balance between the servers.
;remote my-server-2 1194
# Choose a random host from the remote
# list for load-balancing. Otherwise
# try hosts in the order specified.
# Keep trying indefinitely to resolve the
# host name of the OpenVPN server. Very useful
# on machines which are not permanently connected
# to the internet such as laptops.
resolv-retry infinite
# Most clients don't need to bind to
# a specific local port number.
# Downgrade privileges after initialization (non-Windows only)
;user nobody
;group nogroup
# Try to preserve some state across restarts.
# If you are connecting through an
# HTTP proxy to reach the actual OpenVPN
# server, put the proxy server/IP and
# port number here. See the man page
# if your proxy server requires
# authentication.
;http-proxy-retry # retry on connection failures
;http-proxy [proxy server] [proxy port #]
# Wireless networks often produce a lot
# of duplicate packets. Set this flag
# to silence duplicate packet warnings.
# SSL/TLS parms.
# See the server config file for more
# description. It's best to use
# a separate .crt/.key file pair
# for each client. A single ca
# file can be used for all clients.
ca ca.crt
cert client1.crt
key client1.key
# Verify server certificate by checking
# that the certicate has the nsCertType
# field set to "server". This is an
# important precaution to protect against
# a potential attack discussed here:
# http://openvpn.net/howto.html#mitm
# To use this feature, you will need to generate
# your server certificates with the nsCertType
# field set to "server". The build-key-server
# script in the easy-rsa folder will do this.
ns-cert-type server
# If a tls-auth key is used on the server
# then every client must also have the key.
tls-auth ta.key 1
# Select a cryptographic cipher.
# If the cipher option is used on the server
# then you must also specify it here.
cipher AES-256-CBC
auth SHA512
# Enable compression on the VPN link.
# Don't enable this unless it is also
# enabled in the server config file.
comp-lzo adaptive
# Set log file verbosity.
verb 3
# Silence repeating messages
mute 20
# Log
log-append client.log
status status.log
Расширение файла .config
. Логи хранятся в /var/log/
. Пользователь от которого запускается клиент openvpn - nobody.
# Sample client-side OpenVPN 2.0 config file #
# for connecting to multi-client server. #
# This configuration can be used by multiple #
# clients, however each client should have #
# its own cert and key files. #
# On Windows, you might want to rename this #
# file so it has a .ovpn extension #
# Specify that we are a client and that we
# will be pulling certain config file directives
# from the server.
# Use the same setting as you are using on
# the server.
# On most systems, the VPN will not function
# unless you partially or fully disable
# the firewall for the TUN/TAP interface.
;dev tap
dev tun
# Windows needs the TAP-Win32 adapter name
# from the Network Connections panel
# if you have more than one. On XP SP2,
# you may need to disable the firewall
# for the TAP adapter.
;dev-node MyTap
# Are we connecting to a TCP or
# UDP server? Use the same setting as
# on the server.
;proto tcp
proto udp
# The hostname/IP and port of the server.
# You can have multiple remote entries
# to load balance between the servers.
;remote my-server-2 1194
# Choose a random host from the remote
# list for load-balancing. Otherwise
# try hosts in the order specified.
# Keep trying indefinitely to resolve the
# host name of the OpenVPN server. Very useful
# on machines which are not permanently connected
# to the internet such as laptops.
resolv-retry infinite
# Most clients don't need to bind to
# a specific local port number.
# Downgrade privileges after initialization (non-Windows only)
user nobody
group nogroup
# Try to preserve some state across restarts.
# If you are connecting through an
# HTTP proxy to reach the actual OpenVPN
# server, put the proxy server/IP and
# port number here. See the man page
# if your proxy server requires
# authentication.
;http-proxy-retry # retry on connection failures
;http-proxy [proxy server] [proxy port #]
# Wireless networks often produce a lot
# of duplicate packets. Set this flag
# to silence duplicate packet warnings.
# SSL/TLS parms.
# See the server config file for more
# description. It's best to use
# a separate .crt/.key file pair
# for each client. A single ca
# file can be used for all clients.
ca ca.crt
cert client1.crt
key client1.key
# Verify server certificate by checking
# that the certicate has the nsCertType
# field set to "server". This is an
# important precaution to protect against
# a potential attack discussed here:
# http://openvpn.net/howto.html#mitm
# To use this feature, you will need to generate
# your server certificates with the nsCertType
# field set to "server". The build-key-server
# script in the easy-rsa folder will do this.
ns-cert-type server
# If a tls-auth key is used on the server
# then every client must also have the key.
tls-auth ta.key 1
# Select a cryptographic cipher.
# If the cipher option is used on the server
# then you must also specify it here.
cipher AES-256-CBC
auth SHA512
# Enable compression on the VPN link.
# Don't enable this unless it is also
# enabled in the server config file.
comp-lzo adaptive
# Set log file verbosity.
verb 3
# Silence repeating messages
mute 20
# Log
log-append /var/log/client.log
status /var/log/status.log
Как сделать привязку IP к сертификату клиента написано тут. Как сделать сертификат для клиента в укороченом виде тут